Since its convid-19 issue, Malaysia government ask the whole nation to stay at home from 18-March-2020 till 31-March-2020
Just now I received one local restaurant sent me their temporary food menu for public to order food from them for lunch and dinner. All restaurants and cafe in Malaysia cannot open for dining in during this period due to virus spreading issue, but take away is possible during 2 weeks of shitting down.
I just have an idea now to develop a simple food menu generator web app by using PHP and JS, so the public can use it to advise everyone of what food and drinks available for take away or delivery
The flow should be like this
- New company
- Phone number and email address needed for login to continue edit their menu
- Password using last 6 digits of the IC number, then later may need google Authenticator for verification as security
- Company address so the system can identify the area serving
- New menu item
- Food or drink item name in English, other language . Here the JS will kick in to autocomplete the spelling of available item name that exist in the database
- Food or drink item price
- Map info and delivery charges and area info
Second stage of the system to be continued
Start coding first...lol 😂