6th August 2021

MySQL 8 on Windows 10 with Federated Engine

I came across a client neded to sync his stock with his new online ecommerce website that I developed.

  1. Local PC running on windows with MySQL Community server 5 while th online ecommerc is running on CentOS cPanel CloudLinux server with Litespeed, PHP 7.4, MariaDB 10.
  2. The objective now is to create an extra temporary MySQL table for the stock to sync with.
  3. Before I can develop a PHP based platform to CRON the sync every 15 minutes, I need the connection to work first.
  4. I started to learn about this "FEDERATE" engine, which i found out on stackoverflow.com, instead of the comon innoD or MyISAM engines.
  5. The federated storge engine is very interesting, even though I have not find out the pros nd cons yet, but it saves a lot of my time and cost where befor that i am still not sure to use mysqldump etc.
  6. It tooks me 10 minutes to ty out the sample code, my time is actually wasting on diagnostic the MySQL 8 community server on Windows 10.
  7. I finally able to see how it's working and viola! This is what I want.
  8. The main feature of federated table is, what ever i did to the table locally, it will update the remote table exactly.
  9. [Continue and updated on 10-Aug-21]
  10. According no.8, today i found out it is vice versa, whatever i modified on remote table, it reflects on local pc database too. Cool!
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